ACV prototype. // Numexia

Revolutionizing Container terminal automation

TTS Port Equipment AB has revolutionized the Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) concept by building superior manoeuvrability and flexibility into its new range of Cassette AGVs (C-AGV).

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The new vehicles have a load capacity of 61 tonnes, and can carry cassettes with double-stacked 40-foot containers or two 20-foot containers in a single tier. Major improvements to manoeuvrability have been made by incorporating individual electrically driven and steered bogie axles which enable the C-AGVs to be moved in any direction and turn through 360 degrees. This increases the versatility and flexibility of the AGV while minimising congestion at the quayside.
– As the use of AGVs in container terminals has become more widespread, so has awareness of the limitations of traditional AGVs, says Michel Lyrstrand of TTS Port Equipment AB. – The C-AGV can be steered conventionally or ‘crab’ diagonally, or it can move completely transversally. New cassette designs enable the C-AGV to enter and exit both transversally and longitudinally, which allows decoupling at the quayside that is the key to the system’s cargo handling efficiency.
The C-AGV offers several key benefits. It is easier to decouple under the quay crane – a function that is seen as a primary requirement in the terminal operating industry. The pattern of cassette lanes and highways combined with the vehicle’s manoeuvrability means that a much higher number of quay cranes can be served more easily compared to other solutions, without losing capacity due to congestion at the quayside. The versatility of the C-AGV also helps to improve the productivity of stacking cranes – both for stacks orientated perpendicular and parallel to the quay.
Zero-emission AGV technology
TTS has developed the C-AGV range in cooperation with the Swiss technology company Numexia SA, which has pioneered the energy-efficient, contactless energy transfer chain using coils embedded in the top layer of the roadway surface. This system enables the C-AGV to meet the zero emission requirements. Danaher Motion Särö AB, an industry leader in motion control technology, provided the advanced navigation control and traffic management system designed for the new mobility pattern.
Intensive research and testing on AGVs carried out on the Numexia virtual terminal, has enabled the companies to develop and test the energy chain technology, which achieves optimal efficiency with zero emissions. Numexia has developed a range of energy transfer systems for different applications, such as the high-performance TTS C-AGV platform, which can carry container loads of up to 61 tons, while providing unprecedented manoeuvrability and flexibility.
The contactless energy transfer technology contains ground-based and vehicle-based segments. The two key components to the ground based system are the power electronics element and coils, which enables the C-AGV to receive energy both under the quay crane and the stacking cranes areas. In addition to the ground based system, the vehicle based system employs the same technology and uses super capacitors to store the energy, which is then used by the specially designed electric wheel motors.
– In comparison with other work in this field around the world, Numexia’s technology offers very high efficiency, high power capability, a low electromagnetic field, as well as safety and reliability, said Jean-Marie Van Appelghem, CEO of Numexia. – The C-AGV range is built on the combined expertise of TTS and Numexia, enabling it to meet zero emission requirements while providing unprecedented manoeuvrability and performance.